FRIDAY Cabrillo After School Lego Class
FRIDAY Cabrillo After School Lego Class
This after school enrichment program exclusive to Cabrillo Elementary and open to 1st through 8th grades. It starts at 2:45 and goes till 3:45. We'll meet in the Art Room on Cabrillo's campus. For those who get out at 2:20, an instructor will come and get those students from their classes. We will wait in the hallway outside the Art Room until all the students get out of class.
Get ready for a fun session of Lego creating. We will take intermittent breaks and share our creations with our group. Each week will explore a different theme.
We meet for a total of 12 sessions. The first class starts Friday February 9th, and last class is May 10th. We will meet every Friday except for the days that Cabrillo is on break. The days we will not have class are February 23rd (Presidents week holiday) and April 12th (Spring Break).
Once you register you will get an email within a week with further information and a link to a google form to submit all the information needed about your student.
This is going to be fun!